Effective Nutritional TREATMENT for Fibromyalgia
Effective Treatment of CFIDS and FM with D-Ribose
Many of the problems seen in CFIDS (chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome) and FM (fibromyalgia) can relate to a decrease in tissue energy levels and altered energy metabolism. The consequences of dysfunctional energy metabolism frequently include pain from chronic muscle shortening, post-exertional fatigue, and low exercise tolerance associated with decreased cardiac output (heart function). In addition, it has been suggested that decreased energy production also results in hypothalamic dysfunction (kind of like the fuse box in your brain), which can result in the disordered sleep, hormonal imbalances, and autonomic dysfunction seen in these syndromes.
What is D-Ribose?
D-Ribose, a special naturally-occurring sugar made by your body, is a key structural component in DNA and RNA, as well as the critical energy molecules ATP and NADH needed by the mitochondria (your body’s “energy furnaces”) to maintain energy production. In fact, when a national news service recently reported on this study, the headline was “Curing Fatigue with Sugar!”
Studies of D-Ribose in patients with congestive heart failure and angina have shown a significant improvement in heart and physical function, exercise tolerance, and quality of life. D-Ribose has also been reported to be effective in restoring tissue energy levels following exercise. Because of these known benefits, and the benefits seen by our patients, the researchers hypothesized that D-Ribose would increase energy production and therefore decrease symptoms in patients suffering from FM and CFIDS, and are happy to report on the findings of their recently completed study.
What the Study Showed
The researchers gave Ribose to 41 patients with CFIDS and/ or FM. Two-thirds of these desperately ill patients improved (after an average of only 12 days), with an average increase in quality of life of 30 percent—outstanding for a single nutrient’s addition.
Sleep quality improved by 25 percent. Mental clarity improved by 16 percent. Pain decreased by 14 percent and was eliminated in several patients. And most importantly, the average CFIDS/ FM patient in the study had more than a 42 percent improvement in energy.
How Can I Start to Feel Better Now?
Start with a 5000 mg. scoop of Ribose three times a day for two weeks, then decrease to a scoop twice a day, but lower the dose or take it with food if you get hyper from being too energized. The use of Ribose is a major step forward in treating fatigue and pain. For more information, go to www.FMaware.org. This article was written by Jacob E. Teitelbaum, MD from the National Fibromyalgia Association available at the above website.
I use APEX, NOW Foods and Corvalin for my D-Ribose supplements. If you want a free Fibromyalgia consultation, feel free to contact me at (704) 987-3993 and I will send you a free report or get you scheduled to meet with me and discuss your road back to health. – Akiba Green, D.C.]]>