conditions we've helped

Below is a brief overview of all conditions we have helped our clients with. If you're looking for a solution to your problem that doesn't just look at symptoms, but uncovers the entire brain-body imbalance that may be causing your condition, then Lake Norman Integrative Wellness is the place for you.
Understanding brain hemisphericity, or right/left symmetry and how it relates to your cognition, attention, mood, balance, motor function, coordination and the brain-body regulation of your many body systems, is essential for success.
Special focus will be placed on Neurology, Endocrinology and Immunology.
We also look at hormone balance, digestive function and chemical sensitivities as they relate to these disorders.
An individualized program, involving a multi-faceted approach using Functional Neurology applications, Hemispheric Integration Therapy, Integrative nutritional therapy, and many other principles, will be designed.
The goal is to induce positive, functional changes in brain chemistry and symmetry without manipulating the brain's physiology with psychotropic medications. These changes will allow the brain's natural neurotransmitter functions to begin working more correctly and efficiently.
We have seen many positive changes occur with the following conditions
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Balance Disorders/Ataxias
- Both Benign and Malignant Cancer Diagnoses
- Diabetes
- Dyslexia
- Failed back surgery syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Migraine Headaches
- Learning Disorders (LD)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome / Crohn’s / Ulcerative Colitis
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
- Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Post-stroke rehabilitation
- Peripheral Neuropathy
- Parkinson's Disease (PD)
- Hypothyroid / Hashimoto’s / Hyperthyroid disorders
- Vertigo
- Other Autoimmune Conditions...
Allergies and Sensitivities
Discover the cause of your allergies. An allergy is an exaggerated and abnormal response by the body to allergens. Food allergies/sensitivities masquerade many illnesses and conditions.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Find out how your autonomic nervous system plays a role in your bowel function.
Thyroid Dysfunction
Most patients suffering from thyroid dysfunction have multiple metabolic causes leading to the symptoms and dysfunction they experience. Our unique approach has significant success in helping patients overcome their thyroid problems once and for all.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Evaluate immune function, digestion, oxygenation and mitochondrial function.
G.E.R.D. (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease)
Evaluate for hiatal hernia, H-pylori infection, stomach pH, etc. to determine the cause of your reflux. You may be surprised it has little to do with too much stomach acid.
Migraine Headaches
Look into blood flow abnormalities, blood pressure changes, oxygenation issues, autonomic discrepancies within the nervous system.
Chronic Infections
Use immunological panels to find the missing link in your immune function.
Cravings / Addictions
Check the body for physiology abnormalities and allergies/sensitivities.
Mood Swings / Depression / Anxiety
Neurotransmitter and brain function imbalances can cause functional chemical abnormalities.
Facet Syndrome
Using anti-inflammatory components to reduce the irritation on the joint.
Intervertebral Disc Disorders / Herniations
Decompression traction didn't work, not an option, or want a specialist's opinion? There is still help! Specific areas of your brain control the muscles that stabilize your spine. It is essential these structures be strengthened for long-term success.
Premenstrual Syndrome / Menopausal Symptoms
We use specific hormone testing to locate the exact point in your cycle where the problem arises. We also assess your hormone balance to determine if bio-identical hormone therapy is appropriate for you.
Hormone Imbalances
Can cause a thyroid problem, cholesterol fluctuations, stress, loss of libido, erectile disfunction, hot flashes, perimenoupausal symptoms.
Bursitis / Tendonitis
Injury rehabilitation from an anti-inflammatory perspective with focus on correction not pain management.
Tinnitus or Vertigo / Dizziness
A continuous lack of ATP (cellular energy) within the inner ear cells of the cochlea can lead to either a gradual or sudden impairment of the entire hearing organ. This can affect your balance system as well.
Chronic Pain
Discover how pain "wind-up" could be the cause of your struggle.
Seizure / Epilepsy
Controlling spontaneous electrical activity in the brain by understanding how it is affected by stress, odors, light, allergies, neurotoxins, etc.
Sleep Difficulties / Restless Legs
Restoring function to the circuits, which are misfiring in your brain to reset your sleep cycle.
Neuropathies / Peripheral Neuropathies
There are several Functional neurology options for your neuropathy. Help without medication is not only possible but very likely.
Dystonia / Movement Disorders
Enhancing proper control and inhibition mechanisms in the brain in an effort to reduce unwanted movements, as well as, preserve your current brain function and minimize further damage.
Visual Disturbances / Double Vision / Amblyopia
Specific eye movement therapy involving tracking, pursuit mechanisms, optokinetics, etc. Your brain controls your eyes so therapy is based on brain function not eye position.
We are the leading provider of Functional Medicine, Functional Neurology and Regenerative and Energy Medicine in the Greater Charlotte region.
We specialize in "tough cases." If you have been to doctor after doctor, but don't have solutions and answers about your condition…we can help.
Call 704-987-3993 to see if you qualify for care. Lake Norman Integrative Wellness is located in Cornelius NC.
Lake Norman Integrative Wellness
21000 Torrence Chapel Road #101
Cornelius, NC 28031
(704) 987-3993