Gluten can cause depression, anxiety & brain fog

Gluten can cause depression, anxiety & brain fog

Do you suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, brain fog, memory loss, or other brain-based issues? While conventional medicine turns to drug treatments, recent research points to poor gut health as the root of mental illness. This is because inflammation in the gut triggers inflammation throughout the body, including in the brain, bringing on depression, anxiety, brain fog,…

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What can cause constipation and what to do about it

What can cause constipation and what to do about it

constipation is a serious digestive issue that can significantly impact your health. Conventional medicine defines constipation as having hard stools with a bowel movement fewer than three times per week, and severe constipation as less than once a week. In functional medicine, however, good elimination is having one to three healthy bowel movements per day.…

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Vitamin B12 deficiency more common than thought

Vitamin B12 deficiency more common than thought

common than people realize and can mimic or cause other disorders. A B12 deficiency is linked with memory loss, anemia, cardiovascular disease, and autism, to name a few. B12 is necessary for the brain and nervous system to function and for other aspects of health. It’s believed B12 deficiency is due in most cases not…

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Are you alkaline enough? How to reduce acidity for better health

Are you alkaline enough? How to reduce acidity for better health

How do you know if you are too acidic? Many people are overly acidic today because of the modern diet. Below are some symptoms: Muscle cramps Muscle twitches Constipation Frequent urination Brain fog Poor brain function Reduced endurance for exercise Swelling and bloating Salt cravings Difficulty holding breath Rapid, shallow breathing Poor sleep

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Autoimmune Diet Guidelines

Autoimmune Diet Guidelines

Eating an anti-inflammatory gluten-free diet is key. Here are some statistics about autoimmune diseases: The National Institutes of Health (NIH estimates up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease and that the prevalence is rising. Women experience autoimmune diseases 3X the rate of men- some like lupus effect women 9X the rate. Researchers have…

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Feel sleepy after meals? This could be an Alzheimer's risk

Feel sleepy after meals? This could be an Alzheimer's risk

research shows it also raises your risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s. What is insulin resistance? A high-carb, high-sugar diet consistently raises blood sugar levels, which in turn requires the body to secrete high levels of insulin to lower blood sugar. Eventually these insulin surges exhaust the body’s cells, which then refuse entry to the insulin,…

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Gluten could be causing your child’s cavities

Gluten could be causing your child’s cavities

Gluten intolerance causes wide range of dental defects Defects in dental enamel are common in children who cannot tolerate gluten. In some children, dental problems may be the only symptom of a gluten intolerance or celiac disease (an autoimmune gluten intolerance). In addition to tooth decay, one may see enamel defects: white, yellow, or brown…

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Can gluten intolerance cause infertility?

Can gluten intolerance cause infertility?

unexplained infertility. Also, women with celiac disease are three times more likely to miscarry and four times more likely to experience complications in pregnancy. Gluten’s effect on the reproductive system extends beyond fertility. In a 2011 Russian study, women with celiac disease generally began menstruating a year or more later than their peers, and suffered…

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Study shows sugar makes us more stupid; omega 3 to the rescue

Study shows sugar makes us more stupid; omega 3 to the rescue

UCLA study shows what many have suspected all along: Eating too much sugar makes you stupid. Scientists found that just six weeks of bingeing on sweets and soda will sabotage both learning and memory. Fortunately, consuming omega-3 fatty acids can counteract some of the damage. The study looked at the effects of fructose — in…

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Fight inflammation with glutathione recycling

Fight inflammation with glutathione recycling

autoimmune disease chemical sensitivities heavy metal sensitivities inflammatory disorders intestinal permeability (leaky gut) other immune issues Chronic stress depletes glutathione When we are healthy, our bodies make enough glutathione to protect us. However, chronic stress, whether it is from toxins, poor diet, sleep deprivation, smoking, excess sugar, or other stressors, eventually exhausts glutathione levels. Glutathione…

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