Can pregnancy cause hypothyroidism?

Can pregnancy cause hypothyroidism?

Question Why did pregnancy trigger my hypothyroidism? Answer Natural immune shifts during pregnancy, together with a genetic tendency and other predisposing factors, can trigger hypothyroidism in some women. Hypothyroidism is an immune disease for most For 90 percent of Americans, hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and…

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Your brain is what you eat: Hydrogenated fats

Your brain is what you eat: Hydrogenated fats

Question What is all the fuss about hydrogenated oils, or trans fats? Aren’t they OK to eat in moderation? Answer The hydrogenated fat you eat becomes part of your brain and nervous tissue. Because of its unnatural structure, cells and neurons composed partly of hydrogenated fat do not function properly. The brain is made up…

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Why does eating make me sleepy?

Question I practically fall asleep in my plate after every meal. Why does eating make me so sleepy? Answer Feeling sleepy after meals is a common symptom of insulin resistance, a risk factor for diabetes. Starchy foods and too much insulin Insulin resistance is common today and is a stepping-stone to diabetes. Overeating and eating…

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Food allergies can prevent weight loss

Food allergies can prevent weight loss

Question I learned I have intolerances and allergies to certain foods, and that I need to avoid those foods if I want to lose weight. Isn’t it just a matter of eating fewer calories? Answer Some people find they can’t lose weight through calorie restriction alone. When that happens several issues need to be investigated.…

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Why do so many people have autoimmune diseases?

Why do so many people have autoimmune diseases?

Question My practitioner diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s and celiac disease, two autoimmune diseases. It seems many of my friends have an autoimmune disease too, including eczema, arthritis, Type I diabetes, and even multiple sclerosis. Why is it so common now? Answer Incidences of autoimmune disease, in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue,…

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Could I have a food intolerance?

Question I’m told food intolerances can affect my health. How can this be true when I don’t have any digestive symptoms? Answer Sometimes it’s difficult to connect a food we eat every day with such health complaints as joint pain, brain fog, mood imbalances, congestion, skin rashes, or chronic inflammation. It’s not obvious a particular…

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Why do I have brain fog all the time?

Why do I have brain fog all the time?

Question I seem to live in a perpetual fog, like I can’t think clearly or I’m not all the way there. Why do I have brain fog? Answer Brain fog is a sign of brain inflammation. Although inflammation in the brain doesn’t cause pain, it can cause symptoms of brain fog. The brain is protected…

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Why can't I lose weight?

Question It seems all my attempts to lose weight and get rid of my belly fat fail. Is there hope for me? Answer Absolutely. Normal attempts at weight loss can fail if you’re battling any metabolic disorders. When you are doing all the right things but still not losing weight you may have some health…

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Is life really overwhelming, or are you just stressed out?

Question I feel totally overwhelmed by life and like I can barely cope. I can’t quit my job, give away my children, or afford a cook and a housecleaner. Is there anything I can do for my stress levels? Answer Sometimes you can dramatically alter a stressful life simply by addressing your own stress physiology.…

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