Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog

Heart disease is an inflammation disease

Heart disease is an inflammation disease

February 14, 2012

You could eat a “heart-healthy” diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight and still be at risk for heart disease. Why? Because the root cause of heart disease is inflammation, and managing inflammation goes beyond standard prevention advice.

Childhood stomach aches linked with adult depression and anxiety

Childhood stomach aches linked with adult depression and anxiety

February 7, 2012

A Stanford University researcher found that gastric irritation early in life could pave the way for lifelong psychological problems.

Poor sleep habits raise the risk of dementia

Poor sleep habits raise the risk of dementia

January 31, 2012

An imbalanced sleep/wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, increases your risk of dementia later in life.

Gluten could be causing your heartburn

Gluten could be causing your heartburn

January 24, 2012

Studies link gluten with acid reflux Research shows acid reflux symptoms more commonly affect those with celiac disease, an autoimmune disease triggered by gluten. One study found 30 percent of celiac disease patients had GERD compared to less than 5 percent of those not diagnosed with the disease. Another study found almost 40 percent of…

Overtraining: Too much of a good thing

Overtraining: Too much of a good thing

January 18, 2012

Studies show overtraining can imbalance health. Sufficient recovery between exercise sessions and exercising at an appropriate intensity will get you fitter faster without compromising health.

Statins increase risk of diabetes 50%

Statins increase risk of diabetes 50%

January 13, 2012

Many people don’t realize that inflammation, not a statin deficiency, underlie high cholesterol, and that the condition can usually be managed naturally.