Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog
Newly Diagnosed?
Living Without Magazine entitled “Newly Diagnosed”, which helps decifer what is going on after you are diagnosed with food allergies. Living Without Magazine is a great resource (both in print and online) to anyone who has food allergies or sensitivities. Newly Diagnosed by Living Without Magazine First Questions You think you might…
Combined resveratrol and curcumin for autoimmune and inflammatory disorders
Synergy between resveratrol and curcumin Resveratrol is a compound derived from Japanese knotweed, and curcumin is derived from the popular curry spice turmeric. Both are well known for their antioxidant qualities. However, newer research shows that taking them together creates a synergistic effect, making them potent tools for quenching the inflammation and damage associated with…
Hypothyroidism during pregnancy more common than thought
A new study shows hypothyroidism during pregnancy may be more common that previously thought, thanks to new clinical guidelines for evaluating thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). The study revealed hypothyroidism in 15 percent, or one in six, pregnant women, a 10 percent increase after using a narrower TSH range.