Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog
Wake up at 3 a.m. and can't fall back asleep? Consider low blood sugar
Why you wake up at 3 a.m. The brain is highly active at night, transforming short-term memory into long-term memory and carrying out repair and regeneration, and it depends on a steady supply of energy to do these tasks. When you sleep at night your body goes into a fasting state. In order not to…
Repairvite: A Typical Day Of Food
Many of our patients are on the Repairvite diet so we’re dedicating a blog post each week to you! Each week, we’ll post useful information, tips, and articles for Repairvite patients. This information will help you understand how to eat, what to eat, and give some tips for making Repairvite work in a busy lifestyle!…
Organic Produce: Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen
The EWG (Environmental Working Group) has developed some useful information for consumers called the Clean 15 (safest to eat non-organic) and the Dirty Dozen (the worst items to eat non-organic). The EWG Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ will help you determine which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues and are the most…
Vitamin B12 deficiency more common than thought
common than people realize and can mimic or cause other disorders. A B12 deficiency is linked with memory loss, anemia, cardiovascular disease, and autism, to name a few. B12 is necessary for the brain and nervous system to function and for other aspects of health. It’s believed B12 deficiency is due in most cases not…
Repairvite: Fermented Foods Are Good For You!
Many of our patients are on the Repairvite diet so we’re dedicating a blog post each week to you! Each week, we’ll post useful information, tips, and articles for Repairvite patients. This information will help you understand how to eat, what to eat, and give some tips for making Repairvite work in a busy lifestyle!…
Are you alkaline enough? How to reduce acidity for better health
How do you know if you are too acidic? Many people are overly acidic today because of the modern diet. Below are some symptoms: Muscle cramps Muscle twitches Constipation Frequent urination Brain fog Poor brain function Reduced endurance for exercise Swelling and bloating Salt cravings Difficulty holding breath Rapid, shallow breathing Poor sleep