Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog

Why pregnancy can trigger Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases

Why pregnancy can trigger Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases

September 24, 2014

pregnancy with not only a new baby but a new hypothyroid condition as well. That’s because normal immune shifts during pregnancy can trigger an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, depending on genetics and other predisposing factors. The immune system can be looked as having two primary roles, one that reacts immediately to an invader (such…

Is "silent" autoimmunity causing your thyroid symptoms?

Is "silent" autoimmunity causing your thyroid symptoms?

September 3, 2014

Although the statistics for autoimmune disease are alarming enough — it affects one in five people, the majority of them women — these numbers do not tell the whole story. The truth is the autoimmune process typically is underway long before the tissue damage is advanced enough for it to be diagnosed as a “disease.”…

Lazy and unmotivated? It's your health, not your personality

Lazy and unmotivated? It's your health, not your personality

August 26, 2014

Health issues that can make you lazy and unmotivated Below are issues that may be sapping your energy, motivation, and desire to more fully live your life. Blood sugar blues. If you skip breakfast and other meals, subsist on coffee and energy drinks, or if the majority of your meals are based around rice, noodles,…

Upcoming Events For September

Upcoming Events For September

August 26, 2014
Blood sugar often at root of chronic health problems

Blood sugar often at root of chronic health problems

August 20, 2014

Often chronic health problems can be traced back to one thing: unstable blood sugar that comes from eating too many desserts, sweet coffee drinks, processed grains (bread, pasta, etc.), and other starchy foods. Our cultural complacency with high-carbohydrate diets has made us the most obese and chronically sick population in the world. How blood sugar…

Why It's Important To Eat Every Few Hours

Why It's Important To Eat Every Few Hours

August 16, 2014

Recipe For Success Forget only three square meals a day. Forget between meal snacking.  Your new recipe for healthy eating: Six is better than three (six mini meals, that is). It sounds like a contradiction, but with a focus on diversity and proper portion size, eating six mini meals instead of three large meals each…