Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog
Fight underlying causes of allergies for lasting relief
The end of winter seems like a good thing until your allergies go haywire. If you’re tired of allergy meds and always feeling stuffed up and zonked out, consider lasting relief by healing your gut to balance your immune system. It’s hard to believe your digestive tract can affect your sinuses, but both systems are…
Upcoming Events For June 2015
June 2015 June 2nd @ 6:30 pm: Thyroid Dysfunction & Hashimoto’s June 23rd @ 6:30 pm: Autoimmune Health (With Special “Ask The Doctor” Segment) June 27th @ 12 pm: Patient Appreciation Day – all patients are invited! Read more HERE. This informative seminar is FREE, however, seating is very limited. Call 704-987-3993 to reserve your seat. Office location:…
Patient Appreciation Day: June 27
“Patient Appreciation Day” on Saturday, June 27th at noon! This event will be held in our office: Lake Norman Integrative Wellness& Wellness, 21000 Torrence Chapel Road #101, Suite 103, Cornelius, NC. Details of the event: All patients are invited to attend our annual Patient Appreciation Day! Bring your favorite allergy-friendly food dish for this event…
Hashimoto’s and autoimmunity linked to autism
Managing your hypothyroidism isn’t just about losing weight and having warm hands and feet. If you’re a woman who could get pregnant, it could play a role in whether you have a child with autism. A 2015 Finnish study that looked at risk factors associated with autism found that women who tested positive for autoimmune hypothyroidism, or…
Fitness, not fatness, predicts how long you live
We’ve long been told if we want to be healthier and live longer we need to drop the pounds, but turns out being fit is the best predictor for longevity, even if you’re overweight. A team of researchers examined a collection of studies that together looked at thousands of people for as long as 16 years. They…
FDA sued over gluten in medications; protect yourself
A man with celiac disease is suing the FDA, demanding they take action on the undisclosed use of wheat in an estimated 150 different prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Although about 1 percent of the population suffers from celiac disease, vastly more have gluten sensitivity and must also abstain from eating wheat to avoid a variety of…