Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog

Do you have an inflamed brain? How to tell and what to do

Do you have an inflamed brain? How to tell and what to do

September 24, 2015

When most people think of inflammation they think of arthritic joints, or maybe a sprained ankle. But did you know your brain can become inflamed, too? The problem is an inflamed brain won’t hurt. Instead you should look for other symptoms of brain inflammation. These include brain fog, slow thinking, fatigue, and depression. Brain fog is…

Lack of sleep; early mornings cause gene changes

Lack of sleep; early mornings cause gene changes

September 15, 2015

We all want enough sleep so we’re less cranky and more alert. We want it for our kids too. But recent research found an even more important reason: Sleeping less than six hours a night for one week can lead to more than 700 changes in the way our genes behave. Among these are genes that regulate…

Common household chemicals are toxic to your health

Common household chemicals are toxic to your health

September 10, 2015

It’s amazing how toxic the standard American household is. Chemicals that are toxic to the brain, immune system, hormonal system, liver, and more are in virtually every household and body product used by the average person. When seeking to improve your health, it’s important to “go green” and use non-toxic house and body products. Check out the…

Maca Powder Packs A Punch

Maca Powder Packs A Punch

September 10, 2015
Taking fish oil in teens can help prevent schizophrenia

Taking fish oil in teens can help prevent schizophrenia

September 3, 2015

Forget low-fat diets, especially in teens at risk for mental illness — healthy fats are vital for good brain health. They’re so important that fish oil has been shown to prevent schizophrenia in young people who show early signs of the disease, such as minor delusions or paranoid thoughts. Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in the…

Loss of memory does not have to be part of aging

Loss of memory does not have to be part of aging

August 28, 2015

Do you always lose your keys, forget where the car is parked, or find words stick on the tip of your tongue? We associate these behaviors with aging, but losing your memory and brain function isn’t necessarily “normal” aging. Instead, it’s a sign of accelerated brain degeneration, or a brain that is atrophying too fast.…