Lake Norman Integrative Wellness Blog

Detox Diet Plan for the New Year

Detox Diet Plan for the New Year

January 3, 2012

An anti-inflammatory, detox, and weight loss diet plan explained.

Holiday sugar hangover cure?

Holiday sugar hangover cure?

December 27, 2011

Did the holidays leave you with a sugar hangover, including lethargy, upset stomach, brain fog, mood swings, or joint pain? While alcohol hangover cures are a folklore staple, you can recover from your sugar hangover with some solid steps:

Can stress cause your baby's allergies?

Can stress cause your baby's allergies?

December 20, 2011

Swedish study. Researchers found infants with lower levels of cortisol, an adrenal hormone released in response to stress, developed fewer allergies than other infants. Stress hormone cortisol triggers allergies The researchers believe environmental and lifestyle factors during pregnancy and early infancy raise adrenal cortisol levels, which increases the risk of allergies. Studies show high cortisol…

Vitamin D outshines vitamin C at preventing flu virus

Vitamin D outshines vitamin C at preventing flu virus

December 13, 2011

Compelling evidence links low levels of vitamin D with an increased risk for the flu virus and colds. Most people are deficient. Are you getting enough D?

Can pregnancy cause hypothyroidism?

Can pregnancy cause hypothyroidism?

December 6, 2011

Question Why did pregnancy trigger my hypothyroidism? Answer Natural immune shifts during pregnancy, together with a genetic tendency and other predisposing factors, can trigger hypothyroidism in some women. Hypothyroidism is an immune disease for most For 90 percent of Americans, hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and…

Fractures common today: Build stronger bones

November 29, 2011

Question Is it my imagination or are broken bones more common than ever today? Answer Boys are 32 percent and girls 56 percent more likely to break a bone than children 40 years ago. Fractures are also common in older adults. Soda has replaced milk Dairy provides 70 percent of calcium in the American diet.…