Integrative Cancer Treatment in Cornelius NC

Chiropractic Care in Cornelius NC for CancerMy desire to help the cancer patient is not taken lightly. This path carries with it a heavy heart at times, but the potential to do great good for our patients. The goal in Integrative Cancer Support is to take a life threatening illness and turn it into a chronic manageable condition. This goal can be achieved with a unique approach to care. I encourage you to read our BLOG, watch our videos and learn the specifics about our approach to supporting the cancer patient. Emphasis should be made on why our society even needs an alternative or integrative approach to supporting cancer patients.

I am a doctor of natural medicine trained in Anti-Aging Medicine and Integrative Medicine through the University of South Florida and George Washington University Schools of Medicine. I am AMA Fellowship trained in Integrative Cancer Therapy and I hold advanced certificates in functional neurology and am a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. In my office I use natural protocols to help cancer patients feel better and live healthier, more joyful lives. It is important to understand, however, that I am NOT an Oncologist. Only an oncologist can diagnose or treat cancer. I do not diagnose cancer. My role as a doctor is to try to figure out what is really wrong.

Integrative Cancer Treatment

The biggest question for the cancer patient to ask is actually not how to treat their cancer but WHY did the cancer start growing in their body. By answering this question, we can truly help the patient long-term by addressing underlying causes of their pathology and not just treating the symptoms (the tumor) through traditional oncology.

Alternative treatment does NOT kill cancer; only your body can do that.

From an integrative perspective, my goal is to correct the environment that allowed the disease. Keep in mind that chemotherapy and radiation treatments may be the best option, however if not coupled with correction of this underlying cancer cause, it doesn’t take an oncologist to figure out that the cancer has a pretty good chance of re-appearing.

Through our unique approach to managing autoimmune conditions, reducing the impact of immune attacks on the body and through integrative and alternative therapies such as RIFE treatment, PEMF therapy and Oxygen therapy, it allows my office to improve the cancer patient's health and quite possibly give them a real fighting chance to live with their condition and not have a death sentence.

RIFE Light Frequency Therapy

RIFE Light Frequency Therapy with chiropractors in Cornelius NCRife Light Frequency Therapy helps patients with cancer, it helps Lyme’s disease, it helps kill infections, it helps detoxify the body better than many supplements, and I am proud to be able to offer it to our patient population.

RIFE technology was developed in the 1920s and 1930s by the microbiologist Dr. Royal Rife. It initially involved aiming specific sound frequencies at cancer patients to kill their tumor cells. The results documented at the University of Southern California and Pasadena County Hospital were phenomenal. Unfortunately, Rife’s technology was suppressed by the AMA in the 1930s and 1940s because of claims that the light frequency “killed cancer cells”.

Though Dr. Rife truly believed this was how the therapy worked, we now believe that the Rife therapy allows your body to recognize the frequencies and do its own job of helping to improve your health. Keep in mind that everything, including your body, my house and even light itself, is made up of energy vibrating at a specific frequency.

Bombarding cancer, biotoxins, molds, parasites, Lyme’s disease, viruses or other antigens with its own frequency simply vibrates it, making it recognizable to one’s own immune system for destruction.

Recent studies on Rife's work in the Journal of Exp Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Journal, Primary Care, Annuals of NY Academy of Science, Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine, Integrative Medicine Insights and Biomedical Science Instruments have all shown the same thing - Rife Therapy gives remarkable results.

For patients interested in supporting their autoimmune conditions, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, Lyme’s disease, Parasites and Biotoxins and even most Cancers, contact our office today to discuss sitting down with Dr. Green and exploring how TrueRIFE therapy could help you or your loved ones.

For more information on this or other conditions we treat, give the Cornelius doctors at Lake Norman Integrative Wellness a call today! We look forward to hearing from you.

Lake Norman Integrative Wellness
21000 Torrence Chapel Road #101
Cornelius, NC 28031
(704) 987-3993