Autoimmune Diet: 10 Tips For Success

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10 Tips For Success:

1. Be positive and upbeat about the changes you’re making. These changes are for the good of your health. 2. A little planning goes a long way! Plan the meals and snacks you’ll have throughout the day. Be prepared with convenient portable snacks (i.e. nuts, seed, and dried fruit) for your day. Make sure your snacks are readily available, no matter where you are. Invest in a small cooler bag to take with you in the car, packed with organic fruit, veggies and organic deli meats. 3. When cooking your meals, cook double the amount of meats and veggies and have them for leftovers the next few days. Leftover meats and veggies are good on salads for lunch. 4. Use the slow cooker for meals to save time. We have lots of slow cooker recipes available for our new patients and you can find many on our Pinterest boards. 5. When cooking, watch out for cross-contamination issues. Make sure your food prep surfaces, utensils, mixer and pans are free of any kind of gluten residue. Buy a new toaster and use it only for gluten-free toasting. It is very important to avoid cross-contamination of gluten-free foods with gluten. 6. Eating out is very difficult while on this type of diet because you lose all of the control and rely on others to cook for you. Cut your eating out to 1-2 times a week, at the maximum. When eating out, rely on salads, steamed vegetables, and brick oven cooked meats. 7. Find a good cookbook for your dietary restrictions. There are many cookbooks about the Paleo lifestyle, which is similar. 8. Attend seminars to learn more about your new lifestyle. Education is key! 9. Read online information about your new lifestyle. There are so many great blogs and websites with great information. 10. Subscribe to Living Without Magazine, which offers great tips, recipes and general information about living without gluten, dairy, nuts, and other food allergies. *Bonus Tip: Dr. Green’s Auto Immune Diet aids in healing your gut but it also teaches you how to enjoy REAL foods, while eliminating all of the processed junk food that typically makes up the American diet. Take this information to heart and we suggest you keep enjoying real, whole foods after the diet.]]>